Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blog #5


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Words for the week:

  • Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs): can be defined as conserved molecular components on the surface of microbes, such as cell wall of fungi, parasite, virus and bacteria. They can be expressed whether or not the microbes are pathogenic.
  • Pattern recognition receptors: Receptors that recognize PAMPs. They trigger phagocytosis of the specific microbe. 
  • Opsonins: are phagocytosis-enhancing proteins that bind to conserved , repeating components on the surface of microbes such as sugar structures, lipopolysaccharides (LPS), and viral proteins. 
  • Mucins: are glycoproteins which prevents pathogens attachment. Also, traps microbes and cilia propels microbes away. 
  • Tumor Necrosis Family (TNF): can be defined as family of cytokines that regulates the production, effector function, and homeostasis of cells participating in the skeletal, neuronal, and immune systems. 

Little Knowledge

Encapsulated bacteria (bacteria with an outer covering) possess a polysaccharide coat with a unique chemical structure. Examples of E.B include--salmonella typhi, hemophilus influenzae type b, streptococcus, and many more. They are antiphagocytic and vulnerable to B cells. Therefore, patients with B cell deficiency are likely to have encapsulated bacterial infections. For instance, those who have gotten a splenectomy are more susceptible to these pathogens. In addition, children do not have the ability to create antibodies to polysaccharides and are therefore, more likely to be infected by these type of bacteria (especially kids who are not breastfed), they lack T cell independent response. Therefore, it is standard medical procedure to get vaccinations, so these vaccinations can produce an I.R in cases such as this. 

Image result for immunology cartoon funny

*immune response = I.R*

Works cited
  • "Immunology Basics." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.
  • Ambrosino, D. M., G. Schiffman, E. Gotschlich C., P. Schur H., G. Rosenberg A., G. Delange G., E. Loghem Van, and G. Siber R. "Correlation between G2m(n) Immunoglobulin Allotype and Human Antibody Response and Susceptibility to Polysaccharide Encapsulated Bacteria." Journal of Clinical Investigation 75.6 (1985): 1935-942. Web.

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