Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Mental Illness in Young Adults

For the convention on 04.16.18 at the Health Science building, my team and I presented on the topic "Mental Illness in Young Adults." We spoke on depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Depression is often mistaken for sadness. Depression is a mood disorder that affects a person's physical and mental health. The individual becomes emotionless and that's why they often cut themselves because they need to feel something even if it's pain. Research suggests that depression is due to lack of serotonin. However, it could also be a result of environmental stressors. The symptoms of depression are feelings of hopelessness, anger/irritability, appetite and sleep changes--whether they eat more or not at all. As it worsens, social withdrawal becomes a big issue, and thoughts of suicide and death. Risk factors are stress, use of illicit drugs, and symptoms of medical illness. 
This is the leading cause of disability in the US among people ages 15-44. Just over half (50.6%) of children aged 8-15 received mental health services in the past year. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth are twice likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts. Treatment for depression are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), anti-anxiety drugs, and therapy. 

Anxiety is continuous worry and fear. It also affects an individual's everyday life. Risk factors are stressors, chemical imbalances, and geneticsAnxiety disorders may include generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety. The symptoms and treatment are somewhat similar to depression. Half of those diagnosed with depression also suffer anxiety.

ADHD is a condition that includes hyperactivity, difficulty paying attention, and impulsiveness. It begins from childhood and progresses into adulthood. It may contribute to l0w self-esteem and difficulty forming relationships at school and work. The common symptoms are anger, anxiety, depression, mood swings, learning disability, in severe cases, autism and Tourette syndrome. The risk factors are maternal drug use, environmental toxins, premature birth, and another relative suffering from mental health.
More than 5 million children are currently diagnosed with ADHD. Two out of 3 people with ADHD suffer from another mental, emotional, and behavioral disorder. Only 77% of children ages 2-17 receive treatment. Treatments include cognitive-enhancing medication, support groups, anger management, and anti-hyperactivity drugs. Also, I highly suggest family therapy.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


There are three ways in which molecules pass through the cell membrane, and they are passive transport, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. The first transport does not require ATP, so molecules move across the cell without the need for energy. Facilitated diffusion is when ions move through the membrane via the aid of a membrane protein. During this diffusion, ions can move in different directions--uniport, symport, and antiport. Active transport requires ATP to move ions through the cell against the electrochemical gradient. 
An example of symport transport is the Na+/glucose symporter. An example of the antiporter is the Na+/K+-ATPase pump. Ths is the process of moving sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions across the plasma membrane. 

Image result for ions gradient and resting potential

There is a higher concentration of Na+ in the extracellular side of the cell and a higher concentration of K+ inside the cell. So, three sodium comes into the cell and two potassium goes out of the cell. Homeostasis of the membrane potential is associated with the cell's electrical charge and ion concentration. So, a membrane potential of a cell at rest is called the resting potential, a value of -70mV. When an impulse is fired in a neuron down the axon, it's referred to as an action potential (AP). AP are generated by voltage-gated channels embedded in a membranre. A stimulus first causes sodium channels to open, so the neuron becomes more positive becoming depolarized. It takes quite a bit for the K+ channels to open up, but when they do, it rushes out of the cell, sort of reversing the depolarization. At that time, the Na+ channels start to close. The AP then goes below -70mV (hyperpolarization) since the K+ channels stay open for a longer time. Gradually, the ion concentrations go back to the resting level, returning to -70mv. 

 Image result for action potential

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Summary of Today's knowledge

Secretory proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by the initiation of protein synthesis on free ribosomes, binding of SRP to nascent polypeptide, binding SRP, polypeptide, and ribosome to SRP receptor, then dissociation of SRP from its receptor, and translocation across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, and the cleavage of signal sequence. Translation arrest promotes the subsequent translocation of the nascent polypeptide chain through the Sec61 by targeting the entire complex to the rough ER by binding to the SRP receptor on the membrane. This binding leads to the release of SRP from the ribosome and the signal sequence of the growing polypeptide chain. 
Unfolded protein response (UPR) is activated if there's an excess of unfolded protein that's accumulated in the ER. Activation of UPR pathway leads to the expansion of the ER and production of additional chaperones that meet the need for increased protein folding. If these changes are insufficient to adjust protein folding in the ER to a normal level, the sustained activity of the unfolded protein leads to programmed cell death (apoptosis), thereby eliminating cells that are unable to properly fold proteins from the body. There are 3 main receptors associated with this pathway--IRE1, ATF6, and PERK. IRE1 cleaves pre-mRNA of a transcription factor, XBP1. ATF6 is cleaved to produce active ATF6 transcription factor while PERK is a protein kinase that phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2). 
The fusion of a transport vesicle with its target involves two events. First, the transport vesicle must recognize the correct target membrane; for instance, a vesicle carrying lysosomal enzymes has to deliver its cargo only to lysosomes. Second, the vesicle and target membranes must fuse, delivering the contents of the vesicle to the target organelle. The initial interaction between vesicles and target membranes is mediated by tethering factors and Rab-proteins
Also, lysosomal storage diseases such as Gaucher's disease. This disorder is caused by a failure of lysosomes to degrade substances that they normally break down. The resulting accumulation of nondegraded compounds leads to an increase in the size and number of lysosomes within the cell, resulting in pathological consequences to affected organs.
Zellweger syndrome is a recessive genetic disorder that results from mutations in the Pex proteins that are responsible for peroxisomes assembly. Most peroxisome transmembrane proteins are synthesized in the ER and transported in vesicles that fuse to form peroxisomes. Other transmembrane proteins are synthesized on free ribosomes in the cytosol and targeted to the peroxisome membrane by a membrane-targeting signal.
Two protein modifications that occur in the ER: (i) glycosylation and (ii) addition of GPI anchor
The former plays a role in determining protein structure, function, and stability. It helps to prevent protein aggregation in the ER and provides signals that promote protein folding and subsequent sorting in the secretory pathway. Proteins are glycosylated on asparagine residues [N-linked] or Ser or Thr residues [O-linked]. The N-linked sugars added to proteins in the ER are modified within the Golgi. Those proteins destined for lysosomes are phosphorylated by mannose residues and mannose-6-phosphate serves as a targeting signal that directs their transport to lysosomes from the trans-Golgi network. The latter attaches to glycolipids. GPI consists of to fatty acids chain--inositol and ethanolamine.
Lastly, cotranslational translocation is the binding of growing polypeptide chain to the signal recognition particle through a translocon which is driven by protein synthesis while posttranslational translocation is driven by chaperone protein called binding immunoglobulin protein (BiP). 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


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Here's a mini brain activity: 

Due to misfolding of the transmembrane conductance regulator protein responsible for the transport of chloride ions across the cell membranes of several types of epithelial cells including those lining the respiratory tract. During an infection, large quantities of neutrophils migrate to the lungs. Alveolar monocytes circulate the bloodstream and play a role in the clearance of pathogens in the lungs with the aid of helper T cells. Type-2 helper cell response fights off proallergens and parasite, but not bacterium like Paeruginosa. About 10% of people suffering from this illness develops bronchopulmonary aspergillosis upon exposure to the bacteria [or any other opportunistic infection] which leads to increased levels of IgE and IL-4. 

Additional info: Treatment for lung infection include oral medicine to reduce inflammation. Pmph inhibitors are given to prevent GERD. 

a) Sarcoidosis
b) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
c) Bronchiectasis 
d) Cystic Fibrosis

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


  • Actin: Protein that forms (with myosin) the contractile filaments of muscle cells, which is involved in the motion of other types of cells. 
Image result for actin define
This is an example of an Actin-Myosin Sliding Filament Theory

  • Muscle Contraction: Is the activation of tension-generating sites within muscle fibers. This action occurs via a series of repeated events. First, calcium binds to actin triggering a shape of troponin and revealing the myosin-binding sites of actin beneath tropomyosin. Myosin binds; ATP is split, releasing energy, resulting in deformation of myosin hinge region. Then, actin [bound to myosin] is pulled past myosin filament. Myosin binds new ATP and detaches from actin, resetting the myosin head. Without energy/ATP, muscular rigidity occurs. 
  • Kinesin: Are head domains of ATPase activity and microtubule-binding site. They transport cargo vesicles and chromosomes during mitosis. This is different from dynein, which also transports cargo protein but associated with the beating of cilia and eukaryotic flagella. Kinesin is powered by the hydrolysis of ATP [thus ATPase]. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Child Care

Family dynamics impact health in negative and positive ways. Having a supportive and loving family provides emotional support, economic well-being, and increases overall health. When there's conflict [domestic abuse, substance abuse, or violence] in the family, it negatively affects the structure of the family. Research demonstrated that a supportive, loving family increases the likelihood of the chronic disorder, depression, and mental illness. 
Another aspect in showing care for your child is feeding your kid well-balanced diets like fruits/vegetables, proteins, wheat/grain, and vitamins. Keep healthy foods within arms reach. Praise healthy eating choices, and do not nag your child(ren) at their eating habits. Here's a picture of what should be included on your kid's plate: 

Mental illness a vital topic that parents should discuss with your children. Here are factors that help decrease the risk of developing mental illness: 
  • Help and support from family members
  • A stable environment at home and in school
  • Build-up their self-esteem
  • Friendships and positive peer relationships
  • Healthy interests outside the home of the child. 
It's YOUR responsibility to know and identify if YOUR children have a mental illness. Care four your child's mental health. Communicate with them. Let them know that they can come to you for support and advice. Healthy Communication is mandatory as a caregiver. It's all about honesty, respect, listening, and talking. Listen to their feelings, care for their needs. You can even go exercising with your children. Go for a walk. Cook together. Smiling at your child's builds a positive warmth. The most valuable gift that a child can receive is a parent's love, time, and support.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Mitochondria & Peroxisomes

In today's class, we discussed the role of TOM and TIM complexes in the mitochondria. The TOM (transmembrane of the outer membrane) are proteins found in the outer membrane of the mitochondria. There are many different types that provide movement of proteins through this barrier, and into the interspace membrane. 
Image result for import of mitochondrial matrix proteins

In this pathway, the precursor protein is recognized by TOM 20/22 receptors. Then transferred to TOM 40, the general import pore of the outer membrane, entering the TIM 23. After the protein passes through TIM23 channel, there's hydrophobic halt anchor sequence that blocks the translocation across the inner membrane. Proteins from internal domains are recognized by Oxa1. After transfer, the matrix targeting sequenced is cleaved. The protein reacts with Oxa1 [in the inner membrane]. After this reaction, the pathway is followed by multipass proteins like the ATP/ADP antiporter that lack an N-terminal matrix targeting sequence. The importer proteins are then recognized by TOM70/22, and the proteins pass through the outer membrane via the general import pore. 
On the other hand, peroxisome is an organelle found in the cytoplasm of many cells. It has many functions like reducing enzyme catalase, degrades uric acid/methanol/purines/fatty acids, and many more. In the liver, dolichol and cholesterol are synthesized in the organelle. There are two targeting pathways in peroxisomes: PTS1 and PTS2. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Maternal-Child Care

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The class discussed the importance of maternal-child care. The topic was separated into various categories: High risk/Normal risk, pre- and post-health, relationship with the baby, baby development/epigenetic, the role of partner, PPD, keeping kid active, education, and mental health. The part I'm focused on the importance of bonding with a newborn. 
Why do we need to build a relationship with our babies? He/She is just a baby. He/She is too young. That's what most people think. Research supports that our interactions with our child during its first year sets the foundation of a child's ability to develop relationships with others. There are different ways to bond with our kids such as 
  • Listening to a baby's feeling: A baby's cry is his major form of communication. Figure out what each cry means and what's different about each cry. Sometimes the baby needs to be changed, or fed, or take a nap, or just vent [like adults do]. Bond with your baby by holding her and continually reassuring the kid. 
  • Treating your child(ren) with love and kindness only then will they learn to do the same to others. 
  • Showing physical affection by touch. Caring for your kid and portraying positive attitudes. 
  • Erik Erikson talked about trust vs. mistrust in the first years of a baby's development. Tend to your baby on time to build that trust that's necessary for both you and the child. Caring for the child's needs on time forms attachment and they learn to trust those caring for them. 
  • Go exercising with your child. Go for a walk. Dance together. Smiling at your child builds a positive warmth. As they get older, it becomes a habit, which is important in social interactions.
Basically, pay attention to your child(ren). Pay attention to their physical, mental, social, emotional needs. When parents bond with their child, it enables the kid to feel secure and foster a sense of positive self-esteem. Paying attention to your kid is the most important thing because so many things are missed, and by the time it's realized, it is too late. Here's a site that elaborates more on the topic:

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Image result for mental health images

The class performed the first service-learning presentation this week on Mental Health. We discussed what mental health is, mentioned some statistics, elaborated on the stigma, discussed treatment and advocacy, and the role of physical health related to mental health. 
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Examples of mental issues incorporate the accompanying: ADHD, Bipolar disorder, Depression, and Schizophrenia. One in five adults has a mental illness. 90% of those who commit suicide have an underlying mental illness. Another known statistics that 1 in 5 youth aged, 13 - 18, experience a severe mental disorder at some point in their life. We all live in a society where there's a lot of stigma towards individuals with mental ailment. People often say, "It's a sign of bad character," or "That's the way he was raised," or "She's nuts," or "He's dangerous and a tard" or "Just snap out of it." Labels are meant for objects, not people. I encourage you to fight the negative beliefs towards mental health. We need to learn to speak openly about mental health, volunteer, donate to an organization, show compassion to those living with it, and educate yourself and others., There's so much we all don't know on mental disorders, and how it affects those suffering from it. Most people learn about mental health from their cultural backgrounds and social media. Such perceptions cause those with the disorders to internalize and stigmatizing stereotype and hinder the public's understanding of mental illness. 
Mental illness requires ongoing treatment. These conditions are effectively treated with the combination of psychotherapy and medications. They stimulate the brain and boosts the hormones that are associated with happiness and aids with defenses against depression and anxiety. There are various organizations such as NAMI, support groups, community-based companies that provide emotional support to those living with these disorders. I would like to persuade you all to be an advocate for them. It matters how we talk and think about mental health. Get it wrong, and people can be misled and hurt. You can make a difference simply by acknowledging that mental illness is no one's fault. Live Stigma-Free. 


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Service Learning Project

Latest update on the service-learning project on Behavioral Health: So far everyone's doing the parts that were assigned. I'm in charge of the treatment, advocacy, and resources. Under treatment, I discussed the psychotherapy, in combinations with medications resulting in a more efficient solution. In addition to that, I mentioned residential facilities, and most importantly, support groups that aid in emotional support decreasing anxiety and depression. 
Under advocacy was how to speak for the voiceless, volunteer, and educate others on facts about mental health. There are so many resources for mental disorders such as Montgomery County Crisis Center, National Alliance Mental Illness (NAMI), and even health insurance. 
However, since there are so many factors that lead to mental illness such as domestic violence/abuse, substance abuse, drugs & alcohol, etc, I added numbers of hotlines for substance abuse, alcohol, and domestic abuse. This is just a summary of what my slides go deeper into. On Friday, we're all rehearsing and I believe recording our first draft. 

Besides that, this week, I learned about the nuclear export and import signals, and also the nuclear lamina defect that results in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome--a case where an individual stays the same height and other symptoms involving alopecia and cachexia. I learned about other disorders as well. Another example is the CF. The cause of this mutation is a defect in the protein folding of CFTR, which is responsible for the transport of chloride ion across the plasma membrane of epithelial cells, including those in the lining of the respiratory tract. Which explains the obstruction of the respiratory tract by thick sticky mucus and shortness of breath. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018



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“Home.” Tu Casa, Inc.,

This week, I had an encounter with a man who is currently being treated for depression. During our discussion, he stated how he was a victim of domestic violence and emotional abuse. At a young age, he constantly witnessed his parents fighting--verbally and physically--each other. Almost every night, the neighbors would call the cops on them, and his mom would claim that everything was fine. His older brother wasn't there much because he was in grad school, so he was more of a victim. This abuse went on for years until he left off to college.

During his years in college, he had night terrors, which affected his school work, his job, and his health. He went to see a physician, and he got diagnosed with anxiety and depression. During our conversation, he told me how severely depressed he gets on his worst days, and how rough his childhood was, and how he hasn't seen his family for a while, etc. While we were talking, I realized how domestic violence isn't taken seriously. In our community, we have more bystanders than we have people helping. In most cultures, this type of abuse is not even being recognized. Domestic violence is one of the most underreported crimes. This just saddens me because the impact it had on him; like it changed his world. It changed who he could have become. He did good in school, graduated middle school & high school with honors, got accepted into a good college, but it was never enough. The saddest part is he's never really himself until he takes his meds and goes for therapy.

It shouldn't hurt to be a child. I think anyone who has experienced such abuse is very brave. So, I'm writing this blog to encourage every victim of domestic abuse, and I want to say to you all that through all the pain, tears, anger, self-blame, and confusion, at some point, you will find your "AHA moment," and realize that through all those pain, frustration, anger, and hatred, YOU have been gaining the strength and remembrance of your own self. Just trust that every experience is part of God's plan for you. YOU ARE WORTHY😊

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Today, the class made progress on the service-learning project. We picked Behavioral Health as the first topic. In addition, we jotted down factors that will be included in the project like the definition, a creative skit/case study, resources, sign & symptoms, treatment, and environment. We also appointed who will be getting flyers and brochures done. Also, concluded that everyone will be involved in research, powerpoint and of course presentation. As of date, this is all that was discussed in class regarding the service project. 

I learned so many cool stuff this week like the unicellular eukaryotes. For some odd reason, I am fascinated by mosquitoes and the diseases they cause. The Aedes albopictus causes Zika virus, Aedes aegypti causes dengue fever, Colex causes encephalitis, Anopheles causes malaria, etc. My personal favorite is the Plasmodium-- a one-celled parasite--that's picked up by the female Anopheles mosquito. However, I will be discussing the life cycle of trypanosomiasis [sleeping sickness] transmitted by the tsetse fly.

How Do We Get Affected?
Well, the fly injects her mouth to our skin, sucks the blood as some of the parasites called trypomastigotes multiply and travel to the bloodstream, tissues, and lymph. These parasites last from months to years. Trypanosoma gambiene is characterized by 3 stages: two in procyclic trypomastigotes and metacyclic epimastigotes, and one in the host. When they reach the blood, they differentiate from fast replicating cells to dormant stumpy forms. They multiply in each stage and the cycle takes about 3 weeks or more. Here's an image that explains it:

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Barteneva, Natasha, and Marc A Muskavitch. Chemogenomics and Parasitology: Small Molecules and Cell-Based Assays to Study Infectious Processes, Oct. 2013,

Sunday, January 21, 2018


  • Genomics: Is the biological structure and function of genes in an organism. Sentence: Genomics have a huge impact in drug development. 
  • Proteomics: Is the biological structure of proteins and their techniques in an organism. Sentence: Proteomics identifies the expression of proteins. 
  • Chaperonins: Molecules that directly facilitate protein folding. Sentence: An example of chaperonin is GroEL--a protein found in various kinds of bacteria. 


  • Barcher, Andreas. The GroEL–GroES Chaperonin Machine: A Nano-Cage for Protein Folding, 9 July 2015,

Wednesday, January 10, 2018



“Science Humor.” Pinterest, 28 Oct. 2015,
  1. Gene editing: The DNA is edited [hence the name], so a DNA is replaced, deleted, or inserted in the genome of an organism with the use of engineered nucleases. Sentence: I think gene editing is unethical because with great power comes with greater responsibilites. 
  2. CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats): An example of gene editing is this DNA sequence in bacteria. The sequences contains pieces of DNA from the virus that attacks the bacterium. The pieces are then used by the bacteria to destroy the DNA from similar viruses during future attacks. CRISPR plays a vital role in the bacterial's defense system. With these new sequencing, there are effective changes in an organism's genome. How it works? CRISPR trancribes into short RNA sequences that are capable of guiding the system to matching sequences of DNA. When the target DNA is found, Cas 9 - one of the enzymes produced by CRISPR - binds to the DNA and cuts it, shuttng the targeted gene off. Sentence: University of California, in association with other universities, invented the genome editing tool - CRISPR.
  3. RNA Interference: this is a process where RNA molecules inhibit translation by neutralizing targeted mRNA molecules. Sentence: RNA interference is a crucial process in gene therapy.

  • Maron, Dina Fine. “Embryo Gene-Editing Experiment Reignites Ethical Debate.” Scientific American, 2 Aug. 2017,
  • “Questions and Answers about CRISPR.” Broad Institute, 21 Aug. 2017,