Wednesday, February 14, 2018


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The class performed the first service-learning presentation this week on Mental Health. We discussed what mental health is, mentioned some statistics, elaborated on the stigma, discussed treatment and advocacy, and the role of physical health related to mental health. 
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Examples of mental issues incorporate the accompanying: ADHD, Bipolar disorder, Depression, and Schizophrenia. One in five adults has a mental illness. 90% of those who commit suicide have an underlying mental illness. Another known statistics that 1 in 5 youth aged, 13 - 18, experience a severe mental disorder at some point in their life. We all live in a society where there's a lot of stigma towards individuals with mental ailment. People often say, "It's a sign of bad character," or "That's the way he was raised," or "She's nuts," or "He's dangerous and a tard" or "Just snap out of it." Labels are meant for objects, not people. I encourage you to fight the negative beliefs towards mental health. We need to learn to speak openly about mental health, volunteer, donate to an organization, show compassion to those living with it, and educate yourself and others., There's so much we all don't know on mental disorders, and how it affects those suffering from it. Most people learn about mental health from their cultural backgrounds and social media. Such perceptions cause those with the disorders to internalize and stigmatizing stereotype and hinder the public's understanding of mental illness. 
Mental illness requires ongoing treatment. These conditions are effectively treated with the combination of psychotherapy and medications. They stimulate the brain and boosts the hormones that are associated with happiness and aids with defenses against depression and anxiety. There are various organizations such as NAMI, support groups, community-based companies that provide emotional support to those living with these disorders. I would like to persuade you all to be an advocate for them. It matters how we talk and think about mental health. Get it wrong, and people can be misled and hurt. You can make a difference simply by acknowledging that mental illness is no one's fault. Live Stigma-Free. 


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