Thursday, February 8, 2018

Service Learning Project

Latest update on the service-learning project on Behavioral Health: So far everyone's doing the parts that were assigned. I'm in charge of the treatment, advocacy, and resources. Under treatment, I discussed the psychotherapy, in combinations with medications resulting in a more efficient solution. In addition to that, I mentioned residential facilities, and most importantly, support groups that aid in emotional support decreasing anxiety and depression. 
Under advocacy was how to speak for the voiceless, volunteer, and educate others on facts about mental health. There are so many resources for mental disorders such as Montgomery County Crisis Center, National Alliance Mental Illness (NAMI), and even health insurance. 
However, since there are so many factors that lead to mental illness such as domestic violence/abuse, substance abuse, drugs & alcohol, etc, I added numbers of hotlines for substance abuse, alcohol, and domestic abuse. This is just a summary of what my slides go deeper into. On Friday, we're all rehearsing and I believe recording our first draft. 

Besides that, this week, I learned about the nuclear export and import signals, and also the nuclear lamina defect that results in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome--a case where an individual stays the same height and other symptoms involving alopecia and cachexia. I learned about other disorders as well. Another example is the CF. The cause of this mutation is a defect in the protein folding of CFTR, which is responsible for the transport of chloride ion across the plasma membrane of epithelial cells, including those in the lining of the respiratory tract. Which explains the obstruction of the respiratory tract by thick sticky mucus and shortness of breath. 

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